Our overview here shows that meanwhile there is a colorful diversity of Philips Hue lights - in the truest sense of the word.
But don't worry - you will only need four simple components for your first steps. Here we have put them together for you. Did you already order and receive them? Ok, then let's get started:
(Images: Philips - Montage: luce•LIFE)
Assembling the hardware is pretty simple:
The last point is crucial: initially the three blue LEDs only flash. Then, after one or two minutes, they should be continuously on. If they don't, usually your bridge is not correctly connected to your router.
At first glance, the Philips app appears to be a little bit unwieldy since at the beginning it often forces us to update the bridge. But obviously, we want to play with out new lamps right away. Why do we have to bother with this update?
For safety reasons! Without suitable security measures, every part of a network may be accessed by gatecrashers. This is not only true for self-driving cars but also for something as banal as LED lights. So, let's go:
This was too short-winded? No problem - please find here an more detailed description of the update process.
Every now and then less is simply more. This was the leitmotif for the development of easyHUE. This app especially addresses users who are not nerds but only want to create a cozy lighting environment.
easyHUE is not only simple but also independent of iOS or Android smartphones. The app runs in almost all modern browsers on smartphones, tablets and PCs - regardless of manufacturer and operating system. Some typical examples are Safari (from vers. 10), Internet Explorer (vers. 11), Edge (from vers. 38), Chrome (from vers. 54) and FireFox (from Vers. 50).